Image Mapping Thursday, May 14, 2020 - Permalink - 0 Comments(s) I was looking up kawaii pixel layouts and I found a blank sailor moon layout for imvu(I didn't know imvu had a whole site community,I never really knew what it was.I remember seeing advertisement for it years ago.I always thought it was like a dating app thing), it was so cute.I couldn’t resist so I took it and coded it. There’s the navigation words there that I had to link so I looked up image mapping and it took me to a website that mapped it for me.I always wondered how to do image mapping. I always wanted to learn. I guess it's like the exact coordinates of the pictures to link to a web location. So I went to a site that does it for you and I linked the image. It's so cool and way better than those 1000 image slices that I have to upload when using a premade layout.It's so cool that there's a website that does it for you.